How You Can Help

Making new friends at Dreams Hope and Faith FoundationIf you’d like to become part of our labor of love, here are a few ways you can get involved.

Prayer—The power of prayer is the greatest gift anyone can give and it is something everyone can afford. We deeply value every soul who wishes to cover our organization in prayer.

Referral—Perhaps you know a child who’s struggling and would benefit from DHFR’s unique environment of love. Please feel free to contact us at 541-373-0818.

Financial Donations—Monetary gifts are greatly appreciated and 100% of every dollar goes directly into the foundation to serve the families who frequent the ranch.

In Kind Donations—Like loaves and fishes, every donation makes a difference. Whether it be tack for horses, snacks for children, food for families, hay and shoes for horses or lumber for fencing, each gift has a special place at DHFF and is greatly appreciated.

Volunteering—It takes many hands to make a ranch effective. If you wish to give by cleaning, building, painting, mowing, crafting, carpentry or gardening, please contact us. Your offer to shoulder with us is a gift beyond value.

If you need our help, we’ll gladly give it. If you offer your help, we’ll gratefully accept it.