Join The Cause

From our humble beginnings, to our current ministry, hands that freely give are the life of this place.

Today the ranch has rehabilitated horses that many of the kids who come are able to ride. Volunteering is still a foundational part of our program, and most riding sessions begin with a chore. This is usually 10-20 minutes where a leader and child work together mucking paddocks, pulling weeds, or working on various ranch projects. Involvement in these simple tasks builds value into the heart of a child.

We strive to teach our children that they can do something to improve the life of someone else. This fulfills an elementary need in every child’s heart. That is, the need to be needed. Oftentimes having this feeling of value is an integral part of a child’s healing.

The beauty of Dreams Hope & Faith is a ministry all its own. Many visitors ask for nothing more than the chance to sit a while and bask in the peaceful environment. Creating and maintaining this environment has proven to be quite a challenge. However, our volunteer force (local, long-term and group volunteers) have been invaluable in keeping things going.

A trip to the ranch will prove this, as so much of the ranch has been built by the hands of those who freely give their time. Most everything here has been blessed by the touch of a volunteer. Volunteers have been building, cleaning, fixing, and improving this ranch ever since it began, all without expecting anything in return.